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5 Reasons to Consider a Breast Lift

5 Reasons to Consider a Breast Lift

There are multiple surgical options for women who want to change the size, shape, or position of their breasts. 

A breast lift offers you the chance to change the shape or position of your breasts. If you’re hoping to increase the size of your breasts, breast augmentation surgery is the way to go. If you’d like smaller breasts that place less strain on your shoulders, neck, and back, you may want a breast reduction, and most breast reductions include breast lifting techniques. 

At Carl N. Williams, Jr. M.D. Hand and Plastic Surgery, you can access an outstanding team of professionals with extensive experience. Many women in and around Las Vegas, Nevada, wouldn’t trust any other practice for their breast surgery needs.   

Women consider breast lifts for a number of different reasons, and we list just five of them here. None of these reasons are any more or less valid than the others. As long as you’re pursuing breast surgery to meet your own goals and not the wishes of anyone else, your reasoning is perfectly sound. 

1. Breast lift to restore damage from pregnancy and breastfeeding

Mothers understand the toll that pregnancy and breastfeeding take on your body, especially your breast tissue. After all, breasts serve the essential function of feeding infants. But this perfectly natural process can also cause changes in your nipples, the elasticity of your skin, and the position of your breasts. 

Many women find these changes disheartening. Even as you settle into the joys of motherhood and develop enriching bonds with your little one, it isn’t unusual to experience a sense of loss when it comes to the changes your body has gone through. 

2. Breast lift after significant weight loss

Much like pregnancy, losing a large volume of weight also leads to changes in the size and shape of your breasts. Most women experience breast enlargement as they put on weight. As you shed excess pounds, your body works hard to adapt. But there’s only so much that can be done if the skin and connective tissues within your breasts stretch out of shape. 

A breast lift helps by removing excess skin and lifting your remaining breast tissue into a new shape. Dr. Williams carefully trims away excess skin and places sutures to support a more lifted, refined breast shape. 

3. Breast lift to correct abnormal nipple positioning

Many women experience changes in the position of their nipples over time. Some notice abnormally low nipple placement from the time of puberty, while others don’t see changes until they reach middle age or beyond. 

If your nipples are pointing downward or are simply positioned lower on your breasts than you’d like, a breast lift offers the chance to customize the shape of your breasts and the location of your nipples.  

4. Breast lift for asymmetry

You might be surprised to learn that most women don’t have breasts that are exactly the same shape or size. Asymmetry is normal, and differences can range from almost undetectable to distracting. 

If you have one breast that’s larger than the other, or your breasts don’t sit at the same position on your chest, you’re certainly not alone. But just because this condition is normal doesn’t mean you can’t change the situation. A breast lift can correct asymmetry and improve the shape of both breasts during the same procedure. 

5. Breast lift to turn back the hands of time

A degree of sagging is also a normal part of the aging process, but you don’t have to accept this change as inevitable, either. The shape of your breasts is partially dictated by your skin, but also by a series of tiny ligaments. As you age, these tissues lose elasticity, leaving breasts without the same natural support you had in your younger years. 

You can stave off some of these changes by always wearing a properly fitted bra, avoiding smoking, and maintaining a healthy weight. But there’s not much you can do about the forces of gravity, and virtually all women experience sagging at one point or another. 

Dr. Williams uses the very latest breast lift techniques to lift and reshape sagging breasts and give you a chance to return to the breast shape and placement of your youth. The results are natural-looking breasts that appear shapely and more perky.

Here’s how to get started

If you’re considering a breast lift and you’d like more information about your breast surgery options, reach out to Carl N. Williams, Jr. M.D. Hand and Plastic Surgery to book a consultation. After a brief exam and a discussion of your goals, Dr. Williams can guide you toward the procedure that will help you achieve them.

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