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Tummy Tuck



Childbirth, heredity and weight loss are some of the most common contributors to weakened muscles and sagging skin in the abdomen. Even if you increase your cardio workouts and exercise your core, that you won’t see any improvement in your skin elasticity or muscle tone, which can feel disheartening.

Some patients find that working out makes their abdomens more pronounced, as they begin to lose weight in areas of their bodies other than the location they are attempting to shape. If you are tired of your efforts going to waste, then tummy tuck surgery may be an option.


A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, eliminates excess skin from the abdomen and repositions your muscles to create a slimmer profile.* During childbirth, it’s common for the abdominal muscles to stretch and lose their ability to come back together, leading to poor muscle tone for years after your baby is born. Likewise, significant weight loss can produce hanging skin that adds mass to your stomach, creating an unappealing body contouring.

Dr. Williams uses several techniques to form the ideal stomach. The goal is to remove excess skin and adjust lax muscles so that they align with the rest of your body. For optimal results and additional sculpting, liposuction may also be an option during a tummy tuck.


During a consultation in his office, Dr. Williams will help you decide whether a tummy tuck is a viable option. Together, you explain the cosmetic concerns you are experiencing and discuss your expectations for surgery.

With a physical examination, Dr. Williams can assess the amount of skin requiring removal and determine the best clinical technique. He will also ask about your medical history to ensure that you are healthy enough to receive surgery.

Although the removal of excess skin may allow you to lose a few pounds, the procedure itself is not designed to help you lose weight. A tummy tuck is beneficial if you are near a healthy weight and plan to maintain an active lifestyle after receiving surgery.

Your consultation is a dedicated time for you to ask questions about the procedure and learn more about how Dr. Williams can help you achieve your cosmetic goals. He will go over the procedural details of your tummy tuck and explain what you can expect after surgery.


Dr. Williams performs tummy tuck surgery differently to accommodate the needs of each patient. If you exhibit significant skin laxity due to weight loss, Dr. Williams will remove skin along the upper and lower portions of the abdomen with an incision that extends from hip to hip. If you display only minimal excess skin, a mini tummy tuck, with an incision below the belly button, may be more suitable.

With the specific techniques that Dr. Williams decides to use, your procedure will remove the underlying fat and tissues that contribute to a pronounced tummy, reposition the abdominal muscles, and tighten the remaining skin.

As a result of tummy tuck surgery, you can expect both a firm and toned abdomen and a streamlined profile.* Many patients are happy to find that their clothes fit better and feel an improvement in self-confidence.*

If you would like more information about tummy tuck surgery, or to find out whether the procedure is right for you, contact Dr. Williams at 702-259-3223 and schedule a consultation.


Carl N. Williams, Jr. M.D. Hand and Plastic Surgery
2020 Wellness Way, 501
Las Vegas, NV 89106
Phone: 702-703-6929
Fax: 702-259-9595

Office Hours

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